Thursday, May 22, 2008

A guy goes through life, he works his job, he gets done what he needs to get done. But progression? That requires thought. Assessment. What am I accomplishing, this guy might ask himself, or better yet, simply What am I? Who am I? Who was I before, Am I better or worse for what I've done since, Where will I end up at this rate, Who do I want to become and Am I on my way?
Well, I'm a guy. I like to progress. So I think and assess. And what do I conclude? That I haven't been on a date in, now that I think of it, exactly eleven weeks. This very day, it's eleven weeks. Happy Anniversary. And the last date before that one? Long time. Years. What then, do I need to do?
The answer is obvious.
I need to start a blog.
Here goes nothing.