Thursday, July 17, 2008

Going corporate

Okay people, big changes going on here. Not really. Just one. And it's not that big. I don't think so, anyway, I can't even see it. You'll have to let me know. I've decided that so many faithful readers are seeing my blog everyday that it'd be practical to add adsense to it! I hope you're all as excited as I am. Pretty much, if you see a targeted ad that strikes you as amazing, you click it, and I get a quarter or something. Or if you're just feeling generous, click it for kicks. But I didn't say that. Cause you're not supposed to unless you're really considering the ad. But... I mean, there's no but... but there is... you know. Mostly I just think it's funny to have it there. And I wouldn't mind having an extra fifty cents around the house.

In other news, Reid started a blog, for those who know him. It's super thrilling. It's on my blog list. Don't forget. I look forward to his insights.


Katie said...

....You're trying to make money off of your friends and families? What a guy'll do for a buck...sigh.
just kidding :) I clicked on it for you though!

Katie said...

oops, i meant friends and family.